I didn't take pictures of me making these, I need to get better at that. I had ran out of clorox wipes and thought to myself geez it would be so much easier if I could make these myself! I logged onto Pinterest searched for "Homemade Clorox Wipes" and stumbled upon an awesome blog, One Good Thing by Jillee! Like myself, she was tired of having to pay $4.00 for something you just throw away!
This is her recipe that she got from, Living On A Dime:
1 cup of water
1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol
2 Tbsp. Dawn dish soap (only use Dawn)
2 Tbsp. ammonia (optional)
Stir and pour over cotton cloth ( I used old T Shirts)
I've been using these for 2 weeks now and I really do like them. I have a seperate bin in my laundry room just for them, that way they wont ruin my clothes.